Tag: regulations

  • There’s a Great Future in Plastics…

    At COP28, happening right now in Dubai, COP president Sultan al-Jaber said, There is “no science” that phasing out fossil fuels is necessary to keep global temperatures under 1.5C above preindustrial levels.” What?!  On the one hand, we have a fossil fuel president telling us that there’s no science to justify phasing out fossil fuels.…

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  • Single Use Shoes?! This Must be an Onion Headline! 

    Maybe you’ve heard the term “super shoes.” Maybe you’ve even heard about the new Adidas super shoe that just helped break the women’s world record in the marathon. The shoe has been getting a lot of press recently including a New York Times article this past weekend and a CBC interview on As It Happens…

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  • Forget Single-Use. What About No-Use?

    You’ve surely heard about single-use products (plastic bottles, take-out containers, etc…) and efforts to eliminate them. But what about no-use products? Yes, NO-use. Looking at the clothing industry alone, the statistics are shocking.  Purchased But Never Worn Have you ever had an item sit in your closet unworn – maybe with the tag still on?…

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  • What is Greenwashing?

    The term “greenwashing” comes up a lot in the news, in marketing, and in some of my own posts so I figure it’s time to define what it is and why it matters.   Greenwashing is defined as the act or practice of making a product, policy, activity, etc. appear to be more environmentally friendly or…

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  • State of the Sport – PTRA Environmental Ethical Boundaries

    This week, the Pro Trail Runners Association (PTRA) published Environmental Ethical Boundaries for Trail Running Competitions. The boundaries and guidelines address the need for environmental consideration by events as the sport of trail running grows. The document sets out both “redline” boundaries, which are “musts” for events, and recommendations. If events do not abide by…

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  • Destroy Returned Clothing? Not in the EU You Won’t!  

    Have you ever ordered clothing online and, not knowing your size, just ordered two and returned the one that didn’t work? Some retailers, like Running Warehouse in the US, even encourage this practice by including a free return label with all purchases. Sounds great and, but for the back and forth transportation, not at all…

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