Tag: overconsumption

  • Making Black Friday a Bit Greener

    It probably won’t surprise anyone here to find out that I’m not a fan of Black Friday. This predates any of my concerns around the environmental impacts of overconsumption. When I was in my teens and twenties, my family would often go to the movies the Friday after Thanksgiving. The movie theater was attached to…

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  • Forget Single-Use. What About No-Use?

    You’ve surely heard about single-use products (plastic bottles, take-out containers, etc…) and efforts to eliminate them. But what about no-use products? Yes, NO-use. Looking at the clothing industry alone, the statistics are shocking.  Purchased But Never Worn Have you ever had an item sit in your closet unworn – maybe with the tag still on?…

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  • Dress for the World You Want – Second Hand September

    Have you heard of Second Hand September? In 2019, Oxfam started a campaign with the hashtag #secondhandseptember to encourage people to avoid buying new clothes for the entire 30 days of September. The aim was to raise awareness about the environmental impact of the global fashion industry. The theme for 2023 is “Dress for the…

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