Tag: fast fashion

  • There’s a Great Future in Plastics…

    At COP28, happening right now in Dubai, COP president Sultan al-Jaber said, There is “no science” that phasing out fossil fuels is necessary to keep global temperatures under 1.5C above preindustrial levels.” What?!  On the one hand, we have a fossil fuel president telling us that there’s no science to justify phasing out fossil fuels.…

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  • Forget Single-Use. What About No-Use?

    You’ve surely heard about single-use products (plastic bottles, take-out containers, etc…) and efforts to eliminate them. But what about no-use products? Yes, NO-use. Looking at the clothing industry alone, the statistics are shocking.  Purchased But Never Worn Have you ever had an item sit in your closet unworn – maybe with the tag still on?…

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  • How do we Change Behavior Around Overconsumption?

    What will it take for us to change our clothing consumption behaviors? For three to four decades now, most of us have relied on being able to consume clothing, shoes, and other goods quickly and very cheaply. With the dawn of Amazon and other online retailers, overconsumption has only gotten easier. So how do we…

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  • How to Make Your Closet Sustainable!

    Maybe you’ve read articles about the impact of the clothing industry on the planet. Maybe you’ve even read some of my articles on the topic. Maybe all of that has led you to looking at all the fast fashion in your closet and wanting a more sustainable wardrobe.  So how do you build a sustainable…

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  • Big Picture – What’s Wrong with Fast Fashion

    If, like me, you went to college in the early 2000s in the US, you may have spent more than a few Saturdays at Forever 21 picking out the perfect outfit for a party. But did you think anything of it when you wore that outfit one time and then dumped it because, let’s be…

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  • Destroy Returned Clothing? Not in the EU You Won’t!  

    Have you ever ordered clothing online and, not knowing your size, just ordered two and returned the one that didn’t work? Some retailers, like Running Warehouse in the US, even encourage this practice by including a free return label with all purchases. Sounds great and, but for the back and forth transportation, not at all…

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